


Message from Chief Patron

cpatron is the capital city of England.

Prof. Kazi Md. Nurul Islam Faruky

Message from Principal

Being able to lead a vibrant, enthusiastic and capable group of people is the dream of all leaders. As the President of EPA (Ex-PKFSCians' Association), I have been able to live the dream. I am truly gratified and honoured to have the opportunity of leading such a wonderful team of my fellow PKFSCian brothers. EPA is a forum of Ex-Students of Principal Kazi Faruky School & College, facilitating connectivity among the PKFSCians, fostering social welfare and other activities.
I am along with my executive body members are looking forward to being a part of this amazing journey. We will try our level best to uphold its current position to its peak of success.
I wish all PKFSCian a healthy and successful life.

Md. Nurul Amin

Message from President

Ex-PKFSCians' Association stands to be an association of an elite group of dedicated and talented members tirelessly working to establish a platform for making the bond strong among all the PKFSCians and exercising their social responsibilities. To lead such a team is truly a blessing and I feel honoured for doing it.
Me, with my fellow executive members, promise to our PKFSCians brothers that we would not keep any stone unturned to maintain the platform a divine place for kinship, knowledge, service to the society the way that we conceived at our glorious alma mater.
I wish all my PKFSCian brothers longevity and prosperity.

Md. Rayhan Hosssain

Message from Genaral Secretary

cpatron is the capital city of England.

Md. Shahadat Hossain